AetherEdge is an up and coming 3D animated short film. The story revolves around a hero, Floyd, who lives in a dystopic and futuristic world. On his journey of self discovery and mission to discover the secrets of his past, Floyd encounters many adventures and battles along the way.
The project's creators take you behind the scenes and show you the development process of how Floyd started out as just an idea and then became a 3D character. I am always fascinated by the art concept design process. It is interesting to see how a character design changes as the story becomes more solidified.
The artists behind AetherEdge currently have a Kickstarter funding project in order to raise funds to produce a proof of concept and hire musicians and sound effects artists.
If you want to learn about the 3D animation process check out their website, Kickstarter page, and facebook!
*** This post and La Petite Artist are not sponsored in any way by AetherEdge. Everything mentioned are my honest thoughts and opinions!